downstairs [ daʊn'steəz ] a. 楼下的
ad. 在楼下
n. 楼下 e.g. 1. She was ill and stayed in the downstairs bedroom for a whole day. 她病了,在楼下的卧室里呆了一整天。
2. Is anyone downstairs? 有人在楼下吗?
downstream [ 'daʊnstri:m ] ad. 下游地
a. 下游的 e.g. 1. Downstream the river twists and turns a lot. 这条河的下游弯弯曲曲.
2. The logs are drifted downstream to the mill. 那些原木沿河顺水漂到工厂.
downtown [ 'dauntaun ] n. 市中心区,市中心
a. 市中心的
ad. 往闹区 e.g. 1. We will go downtown tomorrow. 明天我们去市中心。
2. The park is only five minutes from downtown. 这个花园离市中心只有五分钟的路程。
downward [ 'daunwəd ] a. 向下的
ad. 向下 e.g. 1. The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch. 猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。
2. A downward movement; descent. 向下的运动;下降
downwards [ 'daunwədz ] ad. 向下 e.g. 1. The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch. 猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。
2. He lay face downwards on his bed. 他脸向下伏在床上。
doze [ dəuz ] v. 打瞌睡,假寐 e.g. 1. I had a quick doze on the train. 我在火车上打了一会儿瞌睡。
2. He fell into a doze. 他打起盹儿来了。
dozen [ 'dʌzn ] n. (一)打,十二个 e.g. 1. My mother bought a dozen eggs. 我妈妈买了一打鸡蛋。
2. I had bred a dozen of chickens. 我饲养了12只小鸡。
draft [ drɑ:ft ] n. 草稿,草图,汇票
v. 起草,征兵 e.g. 1. He drew a draft of the car. 他画了一张汽车的草图。
2. John was drafted into the Army last year. 约翰去年被应征入伍。
drag [ dræg ] n. 拖,拖累
v. 拖累,拖拉,慢条斯理地走 e.g. 1. The protesters were dragged away by the police. 抗议者被警察拖走了。
2. She dragged herself out of bed, still half asleep. 她挣扎著起了床,犹自睡眼惺松。
dragon [ 'drægən ] n. 龙 e.g. 1. Dragons are described as monsters in most western countries. 在大多数西方国家,龙被认为是怪物。
2. This jade dragon is a genuine antique. 这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
drain [ drein ] n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗
v. 耗尽,排出沟外 e.g. 1. This country is being drained of its best talents. 这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。
2. Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water. 把蔬菜煮上20分钟,然后把水沥掉。
drainage [ 'dreinidʒ ] v. 排水
n. 排水系统,污水 e.g. 1. The drainage system has been aged. 排水系统已经老化了。
2. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. 这座城市甚至还敷设过排水系统,因为在窄窄的街道底下发现了许多陶土制的管道。
DRAM [ dræm ] 动态随机访问存储器 e.g. 1. He is very fond of his dram. 他喜欢喝一点酒。
2. She has not one dram of learning. 她一点学问也没有。
drama [ 'drɑ:mə ] n. 剧本,戏剧
刺激的事情 e.g. 1. I have no interest in drama. 我对戏剧不感兴趣。
2. The drama of international politics interested her. 国际政治的戏剧性使她深感兴趣。
dramatic [ drə'mætik ] a. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的
n. (pl.)戏剧作品,戏曲 e.g. 1. Her opening words were dramatic. 她的开场白十分动听。
2. The play is a dramatic representation of a real event. 这出话剧改编出自真人真事。
dramatically [ drə'mætikəli ] ad. 戏剧地,引人注目地
从戏剧角度,显著地 e.g. 1. The story begins dramatically but the plot peters out before the end. 这故事有些虎头蛇尾.
2. Accounting and banking have changed dramatically in the light of recent developments in computers. 由于当今电子计算机的飞速发展,会计和银行业发生了急剧的变化。
dramatist [ 'dræmətist ] n. 剧作家 e.g. 1. The dramatist was respected by people in his country. 这个剧作家受到了本国人民的尊敬。
2. With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist. 他有了新创作的剧本, 巩固了他在国内的杰出剧作家的地位.
dramatize [ 'dræmətaiz ] v. 使戏剧化
vt. 把(小说等)改编成戏剧,渲染 e.g. 1. The affair was dramatized by the press. 新闻界把事情夸大了。
2. He is dramatizing the story of his life. 他把自己的一生改编成戏剧。
drastic [ 'dræstik ] a. 激烈的,猛烈的 e.g. 1. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order. 为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施.
2. Our budget needs drastic revision. 我们的预算需作重大修改。
draw [ drɔ: ] v. (drew,drawn) 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制 e.g. 1. That film was a great draw. 那部影片很叫座。
2. We have several drawn matches this year. 今年我们打和了几场比赛。
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