farm [ fɑ:m ] n. 农场,农田
v. 耕种 e.g. 1. We work on the farm. 我们在农场工作。
2. My friend is farming in Wales. 我的朋友在威尔士的农场种地。
farmer [ 'fɑ:mə ] n. 农夫 e.g. 1. That farmer employs many farm laborers. 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。
2. The farmer whistled as he milked. 农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。
farmhouse [ 'fɑ:mhaʊs ] n. 农舍,农家 e.g. 1. The farmhouse was built of wood. 农舍是用木头建造的。
2. I was farmed out to nannies at an early age in that farmhouse. 小的时候我是在那间农舍由奶妈照看的。
farming [ 'fɑ:miŋ ] n. 耕作 e.g. 1. Beginning in1961 they began to reform their way of farming. 从1961年起他们开始改革耕作方法。
2. High prices for farm products encouraged farming. 农产品价格的提高有助于农业。
farther [ 'fɑ:ðə ] a. 更远的,进一步的
ad. 更远的,此外 e.g. 1. On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店。
2. We can't go any farther without a rest. 不休息我们就走不动了。
fascinate [ 'fæsineit ] v. 令人入神,使...~迷 e.g. 1. The serpent fascinated its prey. 蛇用目光吓住了它的猎物。
2. The students were fascinated by his ideas. 学生们都被他的思想吸引住了。
fascinating [ 'fæsineitiŋ ] a. 迷人的 e.g. 1. Mary is full of fascinating theories about men and women. 玛丽对男人和女人充满了迷人的想法。
2. If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinating a study! 如果我有眼睛,我会多么幸福地从事如此迷人的研究!
fascination [ fæsi'neiʃ(ə)n ] n. 魔力,~迷,魅力 e.g. 1. The topic seemed to have a fascination for her. 这个题目似乎对她很有吸引力。
2. A strong or spellbinding appeal; fascination. 迷人的魅力强烈的或使人沉迷的魅力;魅力
fascism [ 'fæʃiz(ə)m ] n. 法西斯主义 e.g. 1. I condemn fascism and all it stands for. 我谴责法西斯主义及其代表的一切。
2. I abominate fascism. 我憎恨法西斯主义.
fascist [ 'fæʃist ] n. 法西斯党员,法西斯主义者 e.g. 1. The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash. 法西斯专政的垮台引起左翼运动的高涨.
2. I suspect he's a closet fascist. 我怀疑他是地下法西斯分子.
fashion [ 'fæʃən ] n. 流行,风尚,时样,时装
v. 形成,造,作 e.g. 1. Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl. 现在的时装和我还是小女孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。
2. Many influences help to fashion our children's characters. 各种各样的影响有助于塑造我们的孩子们的性格。
fashionable [ 'fæʃənəbl ] a. 流行的,时髦的 e.g. 1. This dress is such a good style; it will be fashionable for many years. 这件衣服的式样真高雅,它一定会流行好几年。
2. It's fashionable to go to Singapore for your holidays. 到新加坡去度假是时下的时尚。
fashioned [ 'fæʃənd ] ...式的 e.g. 1. He fashioned the clay into a jar. 他用粘土做成一个陶土罐子。
2. In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord. 高傲的,贵族的以符合老爷或作为老爷的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的
fast [ fɑ:st ] a. 快速的,耐久的,紧的
ad. 很快地,紧紧地,彻底地
n. vi. 禁食, 绝食, 斋戒 e.g. 1. I like fast music. 我喜欢节奏快的音乐。
2. They run faster and faster. 他们跑得越来越快。
fastback 快速返回 e.g.
fasten [ 'fɑ:sn ] v. 拴紧,使固定,系 e.g. 1. I fastened the pages together with a paperclip. 我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。
2. She fastened the notice to the board. 她把通知贴到布告板上。
fastidious [ fæs'tidiəs ] a. 难取悦的,挑剔的,苛求的
=particular e.g. 1. She is so fastidious about her food that I never invite her for dinner. 她对食物过於挑剔,因此我从不请她吃饭
2. One who is excessively fastidious in dress, manners, or taste. 爱修饰的人过分讲究穿著、举止或嗜好的人
fat [ fæt ] a. 肥胖的
n. 脂肪 e.g. 1. He can't eat fat. 他不能吃肥肉。
2. The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach. 那件紧身套头毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子.
fatal [ 'feitl ] a. 致命的,毁灭性的 e.g. 1. His illness was fatal to our plan. 他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。
2. This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will. 这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。
fate [ feit ] n. 命运 e.g. 1. They met with a terrible fate. 他们的结局十分悲惨。
2. She wondered what fate had in store for her next. 她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。
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