(also ant-) pref 前缀 (used widely with ns and adjs 可与很多名词和形容词结合)
1 opposed to; against 反对; 反: anti-aircraft
anti-personnel. Cf 参看 pro-.
2 opposite of ...的对立面: anti-hero * anticlimactic.
3 preventing 防止; 阻止; 抗: antiseptic
antifreeze * antacid. anti-, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Anti- and counter- both have the meaning of `opposed to´. *anti-和counter-都有´反...´之意. Anti- suggests an attitude of opposition *anti-指反对的态度
anti-war literature 反战文学
the anti-nuclear campaign 反核子运动; while counter- refers to an action taken to prevent or respond to something *counter-指为防止某事物或针对某事物而采取的行动
counter-espionage activities 反间谍而进行的活动
counter-revolution 反革命.