1 small part or piece broken off (sth) (某物的)碎片
find several fragments of a Roman vase 发现古罗马花瓶的几块残片.
2 separate or incomplete part (of sth) (某事物的)片断或不完整部分
I heard only a fragment of their conversation. 我只听到他们谈话的只言片语.
fragment v [I, Tn]
(cause sth to) break into small pieces or parts; split up (使某物)破碎或裂开; 分裂; 分离
These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片.
(fig 比喻) Ownership of the large estates is increasingly fragmented, ie divided among several people. 大片地皮的产权逐渐分成若干份.