1 without any obstruction; in an unrestricted or uncontrolled manner 自由地; 毫无妨碍地; 不受阻挡地; 不受控制地; 无拘无束地
Water flowed freely from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来.
drugs that are freely available 可随时买到的药物.
2 in an open and honest manner 开诚布公地; 坦诚地; 坦率地
It may require courage to speak freely. 要有勇气才能直言不讳.
3 willingly; readily 心甘情愿地; 自愿地
I freely admit that I made a mistake. 我欣然承认我犯了个错误.
4 in a generous and willing manner 大方地; 慷慨地; 爽快地
Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal. 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊.