(often derog 常作贬义)
1 inclined to giggle 爱傻笑的
a giggly schoolgirl 爱傻笑的女学生.
2 having the sound or quality of giggling 咯咯笑的; 傻笑的
giggly laughter 咯咯的笑声. giggle, NOTE ON USAGE 用法:
1 Snigger (US snicker) indicates childish and disrespectful laughing at somethingregarded as unusual or improper *snigger(美式英语作snicker 指对异常的或不当的事发出幼稚的、 不尊重的笑声
What are you sniggering at? Haven´t you seen people kissing before? 你们笑什麽? 没见过接吻吗?
2 Giggle is also childish. *giggle也指发出幼稚的笑声. It is often uncontrolled (a fit of giggling/(the) giggles) and is either in response to something silly or a nervous reaction 这一词常指失去控制的笑(a fit of giggling/ (the) giggles一阵傻笑), 或因无聊琐事引起或为神经质的反应
The children couldn´t stop giggling at the teacher´s high-pitched voice. 教师的嗓音很高, 孩子们都不禁咯咯地笑起来.
She giggled nervously when the judges congratulated her on her costume. 评判员赞赏她的服装, 她神经质地笑了起来.