(usu pl 通常作复数)
1 opening on the side of a fish´s head through which it breathes 鳃. =>illus at fish 见fish插图.
2 any of the thin vertical sheets on the underside of a mushroom (蘑菇的)菌褶. =>illus at fungus 见fungus插图.
3 (infml joc 口, 谑) area of skin under a person´s ears and jaw (人的)腮
be/go green/white about the gills, ie look pale with fear or sickness 脸色发青[苍白](受惊吓或因病).
gill n one quarter of a pint (liquid measure) 及耳(液量单位, 合四分之一品脱). =>App 5 见附录5.