释义 |
(US also glamor), n [U]
1 attractive or exciting quality which sb/sth has, and which seems out of reach to others (某人[某事物]独特的)魅力, 吸引力
Now that she´s an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her. 她当上了空中小姐, 到国外旅行对她已失去吸引力.
hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood 在好莱坞电影业光怪陆离的诱惑之下有前途的年轻演员.
2 attractive beauty, usu with sex appeal 迷人的美(通常指性感的)
a girl with lots of glamour 性感迷人的女郎
[attrib 作定语]
(dated 旧) a glamour girl/boy 迷人的女郎[小伙子].