1 [I] (arch 古) listen 听.
2 (phr v) hark at sb (infml joc 口, 谑) (usu imperative 通常用於祈使语气) listen to sb (implying that the previous speaker is being arrogant, silly, etc) 听某人的(暗指刚才说话的人讲得放肆、 愚蠢等)
Just hark at him! Who does he think he is? 听听他的! 看他自以为是何许人也? hark back (to sth) mention again or remember an earlier subject, event, etc 重新提到或想起原先的问题、 旧事等
To hark back to what we were discussing earlier... 回到我们原来的议题上来....