释义 |
(US humor), n
1 [U] quality of being amusing or comic 幽默; 诙谐; 滑稽
a story full of humour 非常幽默的故事
recognize the humour of a situation 看出某处境之可笑.
2 [U] ability to appreciate things, situations or people that are comic; ability to be amused 幽默感
She lacks humour. 她缺乏幽默感.
He has a good sense of humour. 他很有幽默感.
3 [U, sing] (fml 文) person´s state of mind; mood; temper 人的精神状态; 心情; 脾气
be in (an) excellent humour 情绪很好
I´ll do it when the humour takes me. 我心情好时就去做.
4 [C] (arch 古) any of the four liquids (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy) in the body that were once thought to determine a person´s mental and physical qualities 四种体液(血液、 黏液、 胆汁、 忧郁液)之一种(曾认为可对人的性情和健康起决定作用).
5 (idm 习语) ,out of `humour (dated fml 旧, 文) in a bad mood 心情不好. humour (US humor) v [Tn]
keep (sb) happy or contented by accepting or agreeing to his wishes, even if they seem unreasonable 迁就, 迎合(某人)
It´s always best to humour him when he´s in one of his bad moods. 他心境不好的时候, 最好还是迁就他.