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单词 labour
释义 labour (US labor), n 1 [U] physicalor mental work (体力或脑力)劳动: manual labour 手工劳动     Workers are paid for their labour. 工作的人按劳获得报酬. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] task; piece of work 任务; 工作     tired after one´s labours 工作後感到疲劳. =>Usage at work1 用法见work1. 3 [U] workers as a group or class, esp as contrasted with capital, management, etc 劳动阶级; 劳工     skilled/unskilled labour 熟练工人[非熟练工人]     [attrib 作定语] labour relations, ie between workers and employers 劳资关系     labour leaders, ie trade union leaders 工会领导人. 4 [U, sing] contractions of the womb during the process of childbirth (分娩时的)阵痛, 阵痛期     begin, go into, be in labour 开始、 进入、 处於阵痛期     She had a difficult labour. 她难产.     [attrib 作定语] a labour ward, ie a set of rooms in a hospital for childbirth 产房. 5 Labour (abbr 缩写 Lab) (Brit politics 政) [Gp] the Labour Party 工党     [attrib 作定语] the Labour vote 工党选票     Labour supporters 工党拥护者. 6 (idm 习语) a ,labour of `Hercules task needing great strength or effort 极艰巨的工作. a ,labour of `love task done out of enthusiasm or devotion, not from necessity or for profit 为爱好而做的工作. labour (US labor) v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, It] work or try hard 劳动; 工作; 努力     labour on/at a task 努力做某项工作     I´ve been labouring (away) over a hot stove all morning. 我一上午都在热炉前忙个不停.     He laboured to finish the job on time. 他努力按时完成了任务. 2 (a) [I, Ipr, It] do sth only with difficulty and effort 吃力地做某事物     The old man laboured up the hillside. 老人吃力地登山.     The ship laboured through the rough seas. 船在波涛汹涌的海上挣扎前行.     labouring to breathe 吃力地呼吸. (b) [I] (of an engine) work slowly and with difficulty (指发动机)工作缓慢而费力     You should change gear the engine´s starting to labour. 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了. 3 (idm 习语) `labour the point continue to repeat or explain sth that has already been said and understood 一再重复或解释已经说过的或已为人明白的事情     Your argument was clear to us from the start there´s no need to labour the point. 你的论点一开头我们就清楚了--没必要一再重复. 4 (phr v) labour under sth (fml 文) (a) suffer because of (a disadvantage or difficulty) 因(不利或困难)而苦恼; 苦於     people labouring under the handicaps of ignorance and superstition 为愚昧和迷信所苦的人们. (b) be deceived or misled by sth 被某事物蒙蔽或误导     He labours under the delusion that he´s a fine actor. 他有个错觉, 以为自己是个好演员.



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