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单词 accommodation
释义 accommodation n 1 (a) [U] (Brit) room(s), esp for living in; lodgings 房间(尤指作居住用者); 住所     find suitable, cheap, temporary, permanent, etc accommodation 找合适的, 便宜的, 临时的, 永久的等住宿处     Hotel accommodation is scarce. 旅馆的房间不足.     Wanted, accommodation for a young married couple. 徵租, 供年轻夫妇的住房. (b) accommodations [pl] (US) lodgings; room(s) and food 住宿; 膳宿. 2 [U] ~ (of sth to sth) (fml 文) process of adapting; adjustment 适应; 调节      arrange the accommodation of my plans to yours 调整我的计划以便和你的相适应. 3 [C] (fml 文) convenient arrangement; compromise 调解; 和解     The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation. 双方并非在每一点上意见都一致, 但已达成和解.



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