adj[pred 作表语]
1 ~ (to do sth) wanting or prepared to do sth 想(做某事); 准备(做某事)
I´m not disposed to meet them at the moment. 我不打算在此刻会见他们.
You´re most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed. 你若有意参加, 我们无任欢迎.
2 (following an adv 用於副词之後) ~ towards sb/sth inclined to think that sb/sth is/is not good or worthwhile 认为某人[某事物]好[不好]或有价值[无价值]
well/ill disposed towards sb/sth 对某人[某事物]有好感[无好感]
She´s favourably disposed towards new ideas. 她对新思想持赞同的态度.